Ignite America Conference
“... this is an army that will revolutionize the education system of America from the cradle to the campuses of America.”
This mission statement for Ignite America is: that all who attend will have an experience of transformation through the revelation of Christ Jesus in us, the hope of Glory (Col. 1:27). These will leave with the abiding presence of Jesus and the call to be His witnesses on the campuses of America, making disciples of Christ.
Secondly, Ignite America was formed this year with a new pointed focus: to gather in united worship and intercession for a shift in our nation’s education system, on earth as it is in heaven.
God is bringing forth a united army walking under the banner of His love. This is army who believes 1 John 3:8: “for this purpose the Son of God was manifest, to destroy the works of the devil.” Through the exercise of worship, prayer, intercession and the authority that Christ gave to all believers over all principalities, this is an army that will revolutionize the education system of America from the cradle to the campuses of America.
Our message is Jesus Christ.
He is the slain Lamb of God and the risen, ascended King. He is our foundation, our inspiration, our hope and our joy. Christ is all. At Ignite America, Christ is proclaimed in an atmosphere of freedom and honor that welcomes the Holy Spirit to move in our midst unbridled and draws people into encounter with the Father.
Ignite America was founded by Jerry and Judy Ball, and is a ministry of Breaker of Dawn Ministries International. Read below for info on how Ignite America came to be.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and worship God in reverence and fear in a way that pleases him.” – Hebrews 12:28
“For by Him (Christ) all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.” – Colossians 1:16-18
“We love because He first loved us.” - 1 John 4:19
“At Ignite America, Christ is proclaimed in an atmosphere of freedom and honor that welcomes the Holy Spirit to move in our midst unbridled and draws people into encounter with the Father.”

A Note from the Founders
After a meeting with students in Harvard Square, I laid on the floor and asked the Lord, “What can Jerry and I do? Only five percent of the students in the Ivy League are believers in Jesus, and they make up fifty percent of the world leaders!”
His answer was to gather on-fire students from each Ivy League School and MIT, and He would ignite and bond them together as an army for Himself. He gave the dates and the place in His answer—C.S. Lewis College in Massachusetts. We immediately began the search for on-fire students through our network of relationships, and in January 2011 we had a gathering at C.S. Lewis College.
We met others each day. We beheld a miracle of love and power as we assembled despite four feet of snow. That weekend started an on-fire youth movement at the Ivy League schools that has come to be known as Ignite Ivy. Since then, Jerry and I have ministered at these schools several times.
In January of the following year after the first Ignite Ivy, the Lord said, “Ignite America.” Dick and Dee Eastman invited us to host the Ignite America conference at the Jericho Center in Colorado Springs. The Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) partnered with us in finding students from different states.
Seventy-two students, worshipers, intercessors, and speakers gathered there to declare a mighty spiritual awakening on all campuses. On our last night, we spent three hours worshipping, interceding, declaring the Father’s blessing on all the fatherless children in America and calling forth this generation from darkness into His glorious light in the name of Jesus.
In 2013, we gathered again for Ignite Ivy/America at Church on the Rock with Dr. John Benefiel in Oklahoma City and the Lord continued His work, drawing students into deeper relationship with Him.
In 2014 we gathered again for Ignite Ivy/America in Shreveport, Louisiana at Shreveport Community Church with Denny and DeAnza Duron for a glorious time of worship in the presence of the Lord. The Lord is transforming hearts and renewing lives through the work of his Spirit as we come together before Him.
For 2015, the fifth year, the Lord spoke to us to have two separate gatherings, “Ignite Ivy” and “Ignite America.” We gathered at Campbellsville University and the Lord worked powerfully during the time and continued working in unprecedented ways during the school year at Campbellsville. This was our first time actively partnering with a university as the administration of Campbellsville welcomed us and welcomed the Holy Spirit with open arms and an open heart. He brought us back here for Ignite America 2016 and again this year for Ignite America 2017.
Students are singing and declaring all over America that a Jesus awakening has begun, and we’re watching as they radically serve the Lord, go from place to place to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and bring salvation to the lost.
We hope that you will join us as we seek Him together at Ignite America.
With love,
Jerry & Judy Ball
Breaker of Dawn Ministries International
“Students are singing and declaring all over America that a Jesus awakening has begun, and we’re watching as they radically serve the Lord, go from place to place to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and bring salvation to the lost.”
Thursday Aug 2
1 - 5 PM - Worship Team Prep***
6 PM Dinner
7 PM Evening Session Begins
***Registrants who would like to participate in the student worship team, please arrive at 1 PM on Aug 3. Individuals who would like to intercede beforehand, also arrive at 1 PM.***
Kingdom Advance Network Fall Summit will be going starting at 8:30 AM, with a light breakfast. All are invited, with free admission. Lunch will be served. Meet at the Chapel at 12 to go to lunch venue.
Fri Aug 3 - Sat Aug 4
8 AM Breakfast
9 AM Morning Session with Breaks
12 Noon Lunch
1 PM Afternoon Sessions with Breaks
6 PM Dinner
7 PM Evening Sessions
Sun Aug 5
8 AM Breakfast
9 AM Final Session
Ends by 1 PM on Aug 6