Ignite Ivy
“His answer was to gather on-fire students from each Ivy League School and from MIT, and He would ignite and bond them together as an army for Himself.”
A Note from our Founders
After a meeting with students in Harvard Square, I laid on the floor and asked the Lord, “What can Jerry and I do? Only five percent of the students in the Ivy League are believers in Jesus, and they make up fifty percent of the world leaders!”
His answer was to gather on-fire students from each Ivy League School and MIT, and He would ignite and bond them together as an army for Himself. He gave the dates and the place in His answer—what was then called C.S. Lewis College in Northfield, Massachusetts, where D.L. Moody was born and buried. We immediately began the search for on-fire students through our network of relationships, and in January 2011 we had a gathering at the Northfield campus.
We met others each day. We beheld a miracle of love and power as we assembled despite four feet of snow. That weekend started an on-fire youth movement at the Ivy League schools that has come to be known as Ignite Ivy.
Since then, Jerry and I have ministered at these schools several times.
In January of the following year, the Lord said, “Ignite America.” Dick and Dee Eastman invited us to host the Ignite America conference at the Jericho Center in Colorado Springs.
Seventy-two students, worshipers, intercessors, and speakers gathered there to declare a mighty spiritual awakening on all campuses. On our last night, we spent three hours worshipping, interceding, declaring the Father’s blessing on all the fatherless children in America and calling forth this generation from darkness into His glorious light in the name of Jesus.
In 2013, we gathered again at Church on the Rock in Oklahoma City and the Lord continued His work, drawing students into deeper relationship with Him.
In 2014 we gathered again for Ignite Ivy/America in Shreveport, Louisiana.
For 2015, the fifth year, the Lord spoke to us to have two separate gatherings, “Ignite Ivy” and “Ignite America.” Ignite Ivy 2015 took place at Hope Christian Church in North Haven, CT near Yale. Ignite America 2015 took place at Campbellsville University.
We returned again to Campbellsville in 2016 for Ignite America and moved Ignite Ivy to the winter for February 2017 in Boston.
Students are singing and declaring all over America that another Great Awakening has begun, and we’re watching as they radically serve the Lord, go from place to place to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and bring salvation to the lost.
We hope that you will join us as we seek Him together at Ignite Ivy.
With love,
Jerry & Judy Ball
Breaker of Dawn Ministries
“In the last two years that I have taken part in Ignite Ivy/America, I have been buoyed by a resurgence in my spiritual sensitivity, encouraged by firsthand accounts of transformations among my fellow igniters as well as empowered by heroes of faith who have been more than kind to spend time with us.
To me and to many others, Ignite Ivy/America is a valve, a connection between the overly analyzed physical world with the underrated yet all-important spiritual world.”

What is Ignite Ivy?
Awakened: Transformational Encounters with God.
Ignite Ivy is more than a conference. Ignite Ivy is about encountering God. When we take the time to shift our attention to Jesus, He transforms us. You will experience dedicated times of worship and prayer as we encounter the Lord together. We believe that it's not by man's might, nor power alone but by His Spirit that we will walk like Jesus. Be Awakened to life-changing relationship with the Father.
United: Family Connected Across Ages, Denominations & Campuses.
Ignite Ivy is more than a one-time event. Ignite Ivy is a family. You will meet like-minded believers at other campuses and be connected with a wealth of brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers in the Lord who want to stand with you, pray with you and walk with you into the purposes of God. Be united with like-minded, counter-cultural people who want walk in the light of Christ.
Commissioned: Empowerment to Fulfill Destiny & Expand God's Kingdom.
Ignite Ivy is about the nations of the earth. God sends many world changers to these campuses. The family and experience of Ignite Ivy is about empowering you to fulfill the destiny the Lord has for you in finding your place in His grand purposes of the redemption and liberation of all creation. Be commissioned back to your spheres of influence in the power of the Spirit.
Our campuses are in desperate need of something more. These assemblies of the brightest and the best are starving for truth.
The Encounter | FAQs:
Why we do hold the Ignite Ivy gathering?
Read Note From the Founders on the Story behind Ignite Ivy. We hold the Ignite Ivy conference because the world and our campuses need a light. God is not done with our campuses! We believe that light for our campuses is found in Jesus. Ignite Ivy gives access to get intimately acquainted with the person of Jesus and walk in the mystery that is Christ in us, the hope of glory.
What is the gathering about?
The Ignite Ivy Experience is a gathering and sending point for students from influential campuses to come together and be transformed by the power of God. There is deep prayer, worship, connection with one another, declaration of the word of God and demonstration of the Spirit and power of God.
Who is warmly welcome to participate?
Students, Alumni, Faculty/Staff, Campus Ministers of the Key Campuses are all invited. In addition, if believers of all ages who would like to stand with the students are welcome. This year, residents of the Boston area and students from New England are invited!
When and how regularly do we hold the Ignite Ivy gathering?
The Ignite Ivy gathering usually happens annually but we are subject to the leading of the Lord in where and when to host. This is the Lord's ministry.
Where were past events?
2011: Northfield, MA | 2012: Colorado Springs, CO (Ignite Ivy/America joined) | 2013: Oklahoma City, OK Ignite Ivy/America joined) | 2014: Shreveport, LA (Ignite Ivy/America joined) | 2015: North Haven, CT | 2016: (Only Ignite America) at Campbellsville, KY | 2017: Boston, MA. | 2018: Boston, MA.
“I could not create an excuse to keep from attending Ignite when I was invited. Despite not knowing what to expect, I was blessed immensely. I talked with people I had never met as though they were kin! I obtained deeper insight into the body of Christ in hearing the different challenges and perspectives my brothers and sisters have.
I do not know what God did in me at Ignite, but it is certainly the beginning of a great season for me. I feel that I now truly comprehend what it means to be redeemed, to feel an urgent need to pray and worship, and what it is to wait on the Lord. Going to the conference was definitely worth it.”

“Before I went to Ignite Ivy, I was personally struggling with the meaning of salvation. I felt that there was more than individual salvation in Christianity. God’s plan had to be greater, but I couldn’t figure out what that was. I was praying for God to show me His plan, that exceeds individual salvation. When I saw the repentance breaking out (of Jews and Gentiles towards one another, on behalf of campuses and our nation), I realized that this is what the Kingdom of God looks like. This was God’s greater plan for the world: hostility being broken by the power of repentance. The dividing wall was being broken in the name of Christ, who is our peace. I was witnessing Ephesians 2:14 happening right before my eyes. I was participating in it.
So for me, Ignite Ivy is a place that strengthens and raises people to stand in the middle of hostility. It is a place that makes us know what God wants - God’s greater plan for this world. It is a place where God invites His people to participate in His plan. My experience in Ignite Ivy was a spiritual breakthrough, through which I could better know my place in God’s great plan of restoration and peace. Right now, I am writing my senior thesis on Ephesians 2 in the context of the reconciliation between North and South Korea. When I look back, I realized that what I have witnessed and experienced in Ignite Ivy played a great role in it.”
-Rachel Jeon, Harvard Divinity School