Spiritual Troops Assembled - Feb 16-19, 2017 - Boston, MA: A Vision of A Revolution
Dear ones who love the Lord,
Please join us in prayer for the education system of America, the Ivy League campuses and the Northeast Region. Ignite Ivy is coming up next week - Feb 16-19. We are about 10 days out. We were gripped when we heard that 50% of world leaders come from these campuses, but only five percent walk with Jesus. And the Lord called us to "Ignite Ivy." Join us in agreement for this gathering as a seed for this generation. Just as with the fish and loaves, we believe the Lord will work through whoever He sends and will multiply the impact of this gathering that He has called for His glory.
Please share this with others to help us get the word out about Ignite.
Clinton Scroggins, Breaker of Dawn assistant and Ignite Ivy 2017 Steering Chair
Read the following two pieces from Breaker of Dawn assistant and Ignite Ivy Steering Chair, Clinton Scroggins:
A Call to Prayer
I had this thought yesterday morning. I was reminded of how when revivalist Charles Finney would go into cities he would often send ahead of him men of prayer who would pray there laying a groundwork in prayer before he ever stepped into the city to preach.
In the Azusa St. Revival, Frank Bartleman was one who labored in prayer before William Seymour led the group into the baptism of the Spirit and all of the many things the Lord did that now touch the world.
The 120 gathered in prayer for 10 days before the Spirit was poured out at Pentecost.
We see this in again and again in revivals how God uses people in prayer before the flood gates are opened and the harvest comes in.
I researched the man they call Father Nash who prayed for Finney's gatherings and found this article written by Jeremiah Johnson, a prophetic minister I heard this past weekend on some dreams he had that seem timely. You can read if you have a moment. Thank you for those who have prayed over the years. Let's continue and let's occupy the promises of God. Will you accept this opportunity to pray for this generation? People of all ages have a role in this harvest!
Please join us in prayer!
Here's the article I mentioned: http://beholdthemanministries.com/nasharite-army/
Vision for Ignite Ivy
Ignite Ivy is a sparking for a spiritual revolution among this generation and a readying of the spiritual troops to be engaged.
It's a wake-up call and a signpost of God's movement.
The purpose for Ignite Ivy also goes back to the roots of the nation as many of these institutions were founded with Christian foundations before or near the time when the nation started.
Still yet, Ignite Ivy is also about the nations of the earth as so many nations are touched through these campuses both by way of students who come here from other nations and through the influence and stature these campuses have beyond our land. This gathering, called by God and prepared by the Holy Spirit is no light thing.
I remember for me, my heart was captured when I was in college at MIT that if a massive spiritual awakening did happen in these campuses and this region, it really would attract the attention of the world as so many eyes look to these places as hubs of intelligence & excellence. There would be impact far beyond this city.
The Lord has entrusted us to be a part of his plans for restoration and Kingdom advance in our nation and the nations of the earth. More than just a particular ministry, we are calling for those fromall backgrounds to partake of the feast of Christ. We are just some of those who have said “yes” to Christ. We don't overstate ourselves as being anything more than He says we are, but we must know the work that is being done is important.
It’s also awesome and purposeful that we will be having the event in Boston proper in Lorimer Hall at Tremont Temple. I learned a few months ago that Boston was originally called Trimountaine (or three mountains) by the pilgrims. It is one of the oldest church buildings in Boston and has hosted many artists and speakers over the years. It was the first integrated church in America and was heavily involved in abolition of slavery. At one time, D.L. Moody called it ‘America's Pulpit.’
As Paul Revere called for in the natural in 1775 in Boston, sparking the American Revolution, let's now join in with the Lord in lighting the lamps for spiritual freedom for a generation. Let’s engage with Him in His spiritual revolution and a new Great Awakening to affect the campuses, American society and the nations of the earth!
Pray with us and gather with us as we seek the face of God and take our places of authority and intimacy with Him in heavenly places as His beloved. Get to know the heart of the Father and be transformed in Him, united with others in the body of Christ with a passion for Him and commissioned in the power of the wonderful Holy Spirit.
Join us in agreement for this spiritual revolution of the Kingdom among this generation, young and old, BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. There is no end to the depth of the love of Christ for us. It is harvest time.
Pray with us and help us spread the word about Ignite Ivy.
Christ is All,
Jerry & Judy Ball